Hero Overview

  • Name: Paquito, the Heavenly Fist
  • Role: Fighter/Assassin
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Lane: EXP Lane or Jungle

Paquito is a powerful fighter hero inspired by Filipino boxing champion Manny Pacquiao. He excels at dealing burst damage and chasing down enemies with his high mobility skills.

The Legend of Paquito: The Heavenly Fist


In a small village nestled in the southwestern reaches of the Moniyan Empire, a boy named Paquito was born with an unwavering dream – to become the world’s strongest fighter. From a young age, he dedicated himself to rigorous training, pushing his body and mind to their limits.

The Mysterious Master

One day, a reticent traveler passed through Paquito’s village and witnessed the young man’s incredible dedication. Impressed by Paquito’s potential, the stranger decided to stay and took him on as a student. Under this mysterious master’s tutelage, Paquito’s abilities improved exponentially over the following months.

A Parting Lesson

Before departing, the master imparted a cryptic lesson to Paquito: “The true essence of fighting lies not in destruction or attacking, but in something deeper.” Puzzled by these words, Paquito continued to train relentlessly, striving to understand their meaning.

The Journey Begins

Years passed, and Paquito felt an uncertainty deep in his heart. Unable to fully grasp his master’s final lesson, he decided to leave his village and embark on a journey to seek out strong opponents and find the true meaning of strength.

The Lantis Mountains

Paquito’s travels led him to the Lantis Mountains, a region plagued by injustice and evil. Here, he found his calling – using his skills to fight for justice and protect the innocent. His heroic deeds earned him the moniker “The Heavenly Fist.”

The Rise of the Domineer

As Paquito’s reputation grew, a sinister figure known as the “Domineer” began to amass power within the Moniyan Empire. This mysterious villain and his followers brought cruelty and destruction to lands already on the brink of collapse.

A Shocking Revelation

Determined to stop the Domineer, Paquito set out to uncover the villain’s true identity. To his shock and dismay, he discovered that the Domineer was none other than his former master, corrupted and twisted by the harsh realities of the world.

The Ultimate Test

Torn between loyalty to his old master and his sense of justice, Paquito made the difficult decision to confront the Domineer. Their battle was epic, with the master’s enhanced techniques pushing Paquito to the brink of defeat.

Epiphany and Victory

In his darkest moment, as Paquito recalled the hopeful faces of those he’d sworn to protect, he finally understood his master’s last lesson. The true essence of fighting was not about destruction, but about defending hope wherever it may be found.

With this realization, Paquito found new strength and ultimately defeated the Domineer, bringing peace to the land.

A Continuing Journey

Having vanquished his corrupted master and brought a measure of stability to the region, Paquito shouldered his pack once more. He set out with renewed purpose, ready to face new challenges and protect the hopes and dreams of those in need across the Land of Dawn.

Armed with his iron fists and indomitable spirit, Paquito, the Heavenly Fist, continues to be a beacon of hope and justice in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

Key Stats

Movement Speed260
Physical Attack121
Magic Power0
Physical Defense22
Magic Defense10
Attack Speed0.98
HP Regen9.8
Mana Regen3.2

Hero Background

Paquito was born in a small village in southwestern Moniyan. He trained relentlessly to become the world’s strongest fighter. After being trained by a mysterious master, Paquito set out to fight injustice across the land, becoming known as the “Heavenly Fist”.

Release Date: January 15, 2021


Passive: Champ Stance

After every 3 skill casts, Paquito enters Champ Stance, gaining an enhanced next skill and 60% extra Movement Speed for 2.5s. His Basic Attacks deal 85% Total Physical Attack as damage.

Skill 1: Heavy Left Punch

  • Paquito punches in a direction, dealing Physical Damage and gaining a shield if he hits an enemy hero.
  • Enhanced: Deals more damage and grants a larger shield.
  • Cooldown: 6-8s
  • Mana Cost: None


  • Use to poke enemies and gain shields in lane
  • Can be used to last hit minions

Skill 2: Jab

  • Paquito dashes and throws a jab, dealing Physical Damage. Stops on hitting an enemy hero or creep.
  • Enhanced: Deals more damage.
  • Cooldown: 5.5-8s
  • Mana Cost: None


  • Main mobility skill for chasing or escaping
  • Use to close distance and initiate combos

Ultimate: Knockout Strike

  • Paquito launches an elbow strike, knocking back enemies and dealing damage. He then throws a haymaker, dealing more damage and slowing enemies.
  • Enhanced: Launches an uppercut instead, knocking enemies airborne.
  • Cooldown: 15-18s
  • Mana Cost: None


  • Save for teamfights or finishing off enemies
  • Can be used to interrupt enemy channels

Recommended Builds

Core Items:

  • Tough Boots
  • War Axe
  • Bloodlust Axe
  • Hunter Strike

Situational Items:

  • Malefic Roar (vs tanky enemies)
  • Blade of Despair (more damage)
  • Immortality (survivability)
  • Queen’s Wings (more sustain)
  • Brute Force Breastplate (vs physical damage)

Full Build Example:

Tough Boots, War Axe, Bloodlust Axe, Hunter Strike, Malefic Roar, Immortality

Emblem and Battle Spell

Recommended Emblem:

Fighter Emblem

  • Festival of Blood
  • Bravery
  • Invasion

Best Battle Spells:

  • Execute (for burst damage)
  • Flicker (for mobility)

Pros and Cons


  • High burst damage
  • Good mobility
  • Strong early-mid game
  • Flexible laning options


  • Falls off late game
  • Vulnerable to CC
  • Skill-shot reliant
  • Mana-less but cooldown dependent

Counters and Synergies


  • Phoveus (counters Paquito’s dashes)
  • Khufra (can interrupt Paquito’s skills)
  • Chou (can outplay Paquito)

Synergizes well with:

  • Tigreal (setup for Paquito’s combos)
  • Angela (boosts Paquito’s damage and sustain)
  • Estes (heals Paquito to stay in fights longer)

Gameplay Tips

Early Game:

  • Focus on farming and reaching level 4
  • Use skill 1 to poke and gain shields in lane
  • Look for opportunities to gank side lanes

Mid Game:

  • Roam and look for picks on squishy targets
  • Help secure objectives like turtle and towers
  • Start building core damage items

Late Game:

  • Focus on bursting down key targets in teamfights
  • Split push when needed to apply map pressure
  • Be careful of getting caught out of position

Best Skill Combos:

  • 2-1-3-3 (full burst combo)
  • 2-2-1-3 (chase combo)
  • 1-2-3 (poke combo)

Advanced Techniques

  • Cancel animations between skills for faster combos
  • Use walls to reposition during skill 2 dash
  • Time enhanced skill 2 to dodge CC abilities
  • Bait out enemy escapes before using ultimate
  • Weave in basic attacks between skills to maximize damage

Recent Updates

In the latest patch, Paquito received some minor nerfs to his early game damage to balance his strong laning phase. However, he remains a solid pick in both the EXP lane and jungle roles.

Mastering Paquito’s combos and timing is key to unleashing his full potential as a high-damage fighter. Practice his skill rotations to become a dominating force in the EXP lane or jungle.

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