Hero Overview

  • Name: Arlott, the Lone Lancer
  • Role: Fighter/Assassin
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Playstyle: Aggressive melee fighter with high mobility and burst damage

The Tragic Tale of Arlott: The Lone Lancer

Origins of a Half-Breed

In the Land of Dawn, where humans and demons waged endless wars, Arlott was born – a child of two worlds, yet belonging to neither. His very existence was a testament to the forbidden union between a human and a demon. From his earliest days, Arlott faced relentless discrimination, shunned by both races for his mixed blood.

A Fateful Choice

Desperate for acceptance, the young Arlott made a choice that would shape his destiny. He turned to his demonic heritage, joining the ranks of demons in the desolate Barren Lands. For a time, he fought alongside them, hoping to find kinship among those who shared at least half of his nature.

Betrayal in Battle

However, Arlott’s alliance with the demons proved to be a cruel deception. During a fierce battle, his supposed brethren turned on him, leaving him gravely wounded and abandoned on the battlefield. As he lay dying, Arlott’s faith in both sides of his heritage was shattered.

An Unexpected Savior

Fate, it seemed, had other plans for Arlott. A human girl named Mila discovered his broken body and, defying the prejudices of her people, nursed him back to health. In Mila’s kindness, Arlott found something he had never known – genuine compassion and acceptance.

A Glimmer of Hope Extinguished

For a brief moment, Arlott dared to hope for a different future. Mila’s innocence and warmth began to soften his hardened heart, showing him the potential for good in humanity. But this newfound peace was not to last.

The Church’s Cruel Judgment

The zealous Church of Light, upon discovering Mila’s association with the half-demon, branded her a heretic. In a display of merciless intolerance, they executed Mila, extinguishing the one pure light in Arlott’s world.

Vengeance Unleashed

Consumed by grief and rage, Arlott unleashed his full fury upon the Church. With demonic power and human determination, he slaughtered every soul within its walls. After his rampage, he tenderly laid Mila’s body to rest in a serene lakeside forest, a final act of love amidst the carnage.

The Lone Lancer’s Quest

Now, Arlott roams the Land of Dawn as the Lone Lancer. He is a being of dual nature, wielding two lances with deadly precision – one for vengeance against the demons who betrayed him, the other for retribution against the humans who took Mila from him.

His journey is one of internal conflict and external battles. Arlott fights not just against his enemies, but against his own nature, seeking to reconcile the human and demon within him. He stands as a testament to the complexities of identity and the enduring power of both love and vengeance.

In the world of Mobile Legends, Arlott remains a tragic figure – a warrior caught between two worlds, forever seeking a place to belong, and driven by the memory of the one person who saw him for who he truly was.

Key Stats

Movement Speed260
Physical Attack120
Magic Power0
Physical Defense21
Magic Defense15
Attack Speed1.09
HP Regen8
Mana Regen3.4

Hero Background

Arlott is a demon-human hybrid seeking vengeance against both the Church and demons. Ostracized for his lineage, he initially joined the demons but was betrayed. He was saved by a human girl named Mila, whose kindness changed his view on humans. After Mila was executed by the Church, Arlott slaughtered everyone there in revenge.Release Date: February 14, 2023


Passive: Demon Gaze

  • Arlott’s demonic eye marks nearby enemy heroes every 8 seconds
  • Enemies affected by crowd control are also marked for 8 seconds
  • Marks can affect multiple targets simultaneously

Skill 1: Dauntless Strike

  • Arlott swings his lance forward, dealing physical damage
  • Enemies hit are briefly stunned, with longer stun at max range
  • Cooldown: 8-5 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 50-75

Skill 2: Vengeance

  • Arlott charges at an enemy, dealing physical damage
  • If target is marked, deals double damage and resets cooldown
  • Also heals Arlott if hitting marked target
  • Cooldown: 10 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 40

Ultimate: Final Slash

  • Arlott performs a wide sweeping attack, dealing physical damage
  • Displaces enemies hit to the end of the skill range
  • Cooldown: 40-32 seconds
  • Mana Cost: 120

Recommended Builds

Core Items:

  • Warrior Boots
  • Blade of Despair
  • Bloodlust Axe

Situational Items:

  • Hunter Strike (for more damage)
  • Oracle (against magic damage)
  • Antique Cuirass (against physical damage)

Full Build Example:
Warrior Boots, Blade of Despair, Bloodlust Axe, Brute Force Breastplate, Athena’s Shield, Immortality

Emblem and Battle Spell

Emblem Set: Fighter Emblem

  • Talents: Festival of Blood, Brave Smite

Battle Spell:

  • Petrify (recommended)
  • Vengeance (for roaming)

Pros and Cons


  • High mobility
  • Strong burst damage
  • Good sustain with skill 2 healing
  • Crowd control abilities


  • Reliant on skill combos
  • Can be vulnerable if skills are on cooldown
  • Falls off late game

Counters and Synergies


  • Phoveus (counters Arlott’s dashes)
  • Kaja (can suppress Arlott)
  • Khufra (can block Arlott’s mobility)


  • Atlas (sets up Arlott’s combos)
  • Tigreal (provides CC for Arlott to follow up)
  • Angela (enhances Arlott’s survivability)

Gameplay Tips

Early Game:

  • Focus on farming and clearing waves
  • Look for opportunities to harass enemy laner
  • Roam to help jungler secure objectives

Mid Game:

  • Roam and gank side lanes after clearing wave
  • Use Demon Gaze to mark targets before engaging
  • Combo skills: Dauntless Strike > Vengeance > Final Slash

Late Game:

  • Focus on picking off enemy carries in teamfights
  • Use Final Slash to displace enemies into your team
  • Be careful of overextending as Arlott becomes squishier

Best Skill Combos:

  1. Demon Gaze (mark) > Vengeance > Dauntless Strike > Final Slash > Vengeance
  2. Petrify > Dauntless Strike > Vengeance > Final Slash

Advanced Techniques

  • Use Petrify to trigger passive mark and extend combos
  • Cancel Vengeance dash with Dauntless Strike for quick burst
  • Use Final Slash to reposition enemies into your team
  • Time Vengeance to dodge incoming CC abilities

Recent Updates

As of August 2024, there have been no significant changes to Arlott in recent patches. He remains a solid pick in the fighter/assassin role with his high mobility and burst damage potential.

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