Hero Overview

  • Name: Cici, the Buoyant Performer
  • Role: Fighter
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Playstyle: Cici is a mobile fighter who excels at dealing continuous damage while kiting enemies. Her unique yo-yo weapon allows her to attack while moving.


Cici’s story begins with her role as the lead performer of the Whimsical Wonders, a traveling theater group known for their dazzling performances across the land. One year, the troupe chose to perform at Castle Aberleen, a city known for its strict laws and conservative culture.

Upon arriving at Castle Aberleen, Cici and her troupe discovered that the city had implemented a law against public performances. This law had effectively silenced the local performers and artists, creating a somber atmosphere in what was once a vibrant cultural center.

However, Cici’s spirited nature and love for performance could not be deterred by mere laws. Despite facing opposition from the city’s soldiers and authorities, she continued to perform her acts throughout the streets of Castle Aberleen. Her determination and joyful performances began to inspire the long-silenced performers of the city.

Cici’s bravery and infectious enthusiasm sparked a cultural revolution within Castle Aberleen. Inspired by her spirit, the local performers began to join her, defying the oppressive laws. This culminated in what would be remembered as the most magnificent show Castle Aberleen had ever witnessed.

Through her actions, Cici not only brought joy and entertainment to the people of Castle Aberleen but also helped restore the city’s lost artistic spirit. Her story became a testament to the power of performance and the importance of standing up for one’s passions, even in the face of adversity.

Key Stats

Movement SpeedAverage
Physical AttackHigh
Magic PowerLow
Physical DefenseAverage
Magic DefenseLow
Attack SpeedAverage
HP RegenLow
Mana RegenN/A

Hero Background

Cici is the cheerful lead performer of the Whimsical Wonders theater troupe. She uses her yo-yo skills both on stage and in battle to dazzle audiences and defeat enemies. Cici was released on August 1, 2023.


Passive: Performer’s Delight

Cici gains stacks of Delight when dealing damage, increasing her movement speed and spell vamp. Effects are doubled at max stacks.

  • Cooldown: N/A
  • Mana Cost: N/A
  • Key points:
    • Stacks up to 10 times
    • Helps Cici kite enemies and sustain in fights
    • Try to maintain max stacks during engagements

Skill 1: Yo-Yo Blitz

Cici throws her yo-yo at the nearest enemy, dealing physical damage over multiple hits.

  • Cooldown: 8-6 seconds
  • Mana Cost: N/A
  • Key points:
    • Main damage source
    • Can move while attacking
    • Prioritizes enemy heroes

Skill 2: Buoyant Bounce

Cici leaps to a target location. If she lands on a unit, she can leap again.

  • Cooldown: 11-9 seconds
  • Mana Cost: N/A
  • Key points:
    • Great for chasing or escaping
    • Can be used to reposition during Yo-Yo Blitz
    • Deals damage if landing on an enemy

Ultimate: Curtain Call

Cici links two enemy heroes together, slowing them and allowing her Yo-Yo Blitz to hit both targets.

  • Cooldown: 40-32 seconds
  • Mana Cost: N/A
  • Key points:
    • Excellent for team fights
    • Use before Yo-Yo Blitz for maximum damage
    • Can pull enemies together

Recommended Builds

Core items:

  • War Axe
  • Bloodlust Axe
  • Hunter Strike

Situational items:

  • Brute Force Breastplate (vs physical damage)
  • Oracle (vs magic damage)

Full build example:
Tough Boots, War Axe, Bloodlust Axe, Hunter Strike, Brute Force Breastplate, Oracle

Emblem and Battle Spell

Recommended emblem: Fighter

  • Talent: Festival of Blood
  • Points in Physical Attack and Movement Speed

Best battle spell: Flicker or Sprint

  • Flicker for extra mobility and escape
  • Sprint to enhance kiting ability

Pros and Cons


  • High sustained damage
  • Great mobility
  • Can attack while moving
  • Manaless hero


  • Squishy if caught out of position
  • Lacks hard CC
  • Requires good positioning and kiting skills
  • Limited AoE damage

Counters and Synergies


  • Chou: Can easily disrupt Cici’s positioning
  • Karina: Can burst Cici down quickly
  • Lolita: Shield blocks Cici’s yo-yo attacks


  • Atlas: Sets up Cici’s ultimate perfectly
  • Angela: Enhances Cici’s mobility and survivability
  • Estes: Provides sustain for Cici to keep fighting

Gameplay Tips

Early game:

  • Focus on farming and stacking passive
  • Use Buoyant Bounce to escape ganks
  • Harass enemy with Yo-Yo Blitz when possible

Mid game:

  • Look for skirmishes to showcase your damage
  • Split push when needed using your mobility
  • Secure objectives with your sustained damage

Late game:

  • Position carefully in team fights
  • Use ultimate to disrupt enemy formation
  • Kite enemies while dealing continuous damage

Best skill combos:

  • Buoyant Bounce > Yo-Yo Blitz > Buoyant Bounce (for chase or escape)
  • Curtain Call > Yo-Yo Blitz (for maximum damage on two targets)

Advanced Techniques

  • Use Buoyant Bounce creatively to juke enemies or traverse walls
  • Time your Curtain Call to interrupt enemy skills or movements
  • Practice attacking while moving in different directions to master Cici’s kiting potential

Recent Updates

As of the latest patch, Cici has not received any significant changes. However, keep an eye on future updates as her performance in the meta becomes clearer.

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